Blockchain-based Cross-Organizational Execution Framework for Dynamic Integration of Process Collaborations


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Blockchain-based Cross-Organizational Execution Framework for Dynamic Integration of Process Collaborations", 
							Author= "Philipp Klinger, Freimut Bodendorf", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Cross-organizational business processes involving multiple participants are choreographed, thus rely on mutual trust of collaborators or need to be coordinated by a central instance. Using Smart Contracts, business processes can be executed without a mutually trusted and centralized orchestrating authority. Former Blockchain-based execution framework proposals focus on orchestration diagrams as a basis for execution. Contrary, this work focuses on BPMN process collaboration diagrams as implementation basis and makes additional transformation steps obsolete. With the herein proposed framework for execution of cross-organizational process collaborations, another approach for the implementation and execution of interorganizational processes on a Blockchain is presented, including a voting mechanism for process deployment as well as a subscription service to facilitate process handovers between participants more efficiently. The framework is exemplified and evaluated with a use case from a large German industrial manufacturing company.

							 Keywords= "Business Process Management, Blockchain, Process Collaboration, Process Execution Engine, Ethereum
Philipp Klinger, Freimut Bodendorf: Blockchain-based Cross-Organizational Execution Framework for Dynamic Integration of Process Collaborations. Online: (Abgerufen 22.10.24)



Cross-organizational business processes involving multiple participants are choreographed, thus rely on mutual trust of collaborators or need to be coordinated by a central instance. Using Smart Contracts, business processes can be executed without a mutually trusted and centralized orchestrating authority. Former Blockchain-based execution framework proposals focus on orchestration diagrams as a basis for execution. Contrary, this work focuses on BPMN process collaboration diagrams as implementation basis and makes additional transformation steps obsolete. With the herein proposed framework for execution of cross-organizational process collaborations, another approach for the implementation and execution of interorganizational processes on a Blockchain is presented, including a voting mechanism for process deployment as well as a subscription service to facilitate process handovers between participants more efficiently. The framework is exemplified and evaluated with a use case from a large German industrial manufacturing company.



Business Process Management, Blockchain, Process Collaboration, Process Execution Engine, Ethereum



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