Design Principles for Explainable Sales Win-Propensity Prediction Systems


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Design Principles for Explainable Sales Win-Propensity Prediction Systems", 
							Author= "Tiemo Thiess, Oliver Müller, Lorenzo Tonelli", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "MAN Energy Solutions, one of the largest ship engine manufacturers in the world, is looking into further improving its hit rate of through-life engineering services and spare parts quotations. We help to solve this relevant field problem by building a novel machine learning based sales win-propensity prediction system that utilizes the lightGBM algorithm, SHapley Additive exPlanations, and a second layer conditional probability model of quotation age. Moreover, we build an implementation method for the broader class of such systems and extend the scientific literature on explainable machine learning by abductively developing and instantiating the design principles (DPs) of local contrastive explainability, global explainability, selective visualization, causality, confirmatory nudging, and accountability in a sales win-propensity system.

							 Keywords= "Machine Learning, Explainability, Sales, Maritime Industry, ADR", 
Tiemo Thiess, Oliver Müller, Lorenzo Tonelli: Design Principles for Explainable Sales Win-Propensity Prediction Systems. Online: (Abgerufen 07.03.25)



MAN Energy Solutions, one of the largest ship engine manufacturers in the world, is looking into further improving its hit rate of through-life engineering services and spare parts quotations. We help to solve this relevant field problem by building a novel machine learning based sales win-propensity prediction system that utilizes the lightGBM algorithm, SHapley Additive exPlanations, and a second layer conditional probability model of quotation age. Moreover, we build an implementation method for the broader class of such systems and extend the scientific literature on explainable machine learning by abductively developing and instantiating the design principles (DPs) of local contrastive explainability, global explainability, selective visualization, causality, confirmatory nudging, and accountability in a sales win-propensity system.



Machine Learning, Explainability, Sales, Maritime Industry, ADR



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