The Organizational Design of Digital Innovation Labs: Enabling Ambidexterity to Develop Digital Innovation


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "The Organizational Design of Digital Innovation Labs: Enabling Ambidexterity to Develop Digital Innovation", 
							Author= "Friedrich Holotiuk", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Digitalization requires firms to concentrate necessary capabilities around the development of digital innovation. Particularly, firms are experimenting with setting up digital innovation labs (DILs), which present internal but separate organizational units dedicated to the development of digital innovation. However, there is limited knowledge on how DILs develop digital innovation. To understand how DILs enable ambidexterity and, thus, develop digital innovation, we conducted an exploratory single-case study comprising an organizational as well as a team level analysis with 20 interviews to provide deep insights into the organizational design of a DIL. We uncover the organizational design features of DILs and show how they enable ambidexterity. These findings allow us to explain how DILs develop digital innovation. Furthermore, we find DILs to enable a new way to achieve ambidexterity. We discuss our findings in light of the ambidexterity and digital innovation literature.

							 Keywords= "Digital Innovation Labs, Organizational Design, Ambidexterity, Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation
Friedrich Holotiuk: The Organizational Design of Digital Innovation Labs: Enabling Ambidexterity to Develop Digital Innovation. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Digitalization requires firms to concentrate necessary capabilities around the development of digital innovation. Particularly, firms are experimenting with setting up digital innovation labs (DILs), which present internal but separate organizational units dedicated to the development of digital innovation. However, there is limited knowledge on how DILs develop digital innovation. To understand how DILs enable ambidexterity and, thus, develop digital innovation, we conducted an exploratory single-case study comprising an organizational as well as a team level analysis with 20 interviews to provide deep insights into the organizational design of a DIL. We uncover the organizational design features of DILs and show how they enable ambidexterity. These findings allow us to explain how DILs develop digital innovation. Furthermore, we find DILs to enable a new way to achieve ambidexterity. We discuss our findings in light of the ambidexterity and digital innovation literature.



Digital Innovation Labs, Organizational Design, Ambidexterity, Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation



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