Does Context Matter for Value Co-Creation in Smart Learning Services?


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Does Context Matter for Value Co-Creation in Smart Learning Services?", 
							Author= "Tim Weinert, Andreas Janson, Jan Marco Leimeister", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Smart learning services offer customized learning solutions by systematically considering the context of the learner. However, it is still unclear how the value co-creation within smart learnings is affected by context considerations. Therefore, it is important to understand how the context can influence the value co-creation potential in smart learning services. To investigate how context shapes value co-creation smart learning services, we first conduct a systematic literature review to investigate context factors within learning processes. Afterwards, we develop a conceptual model to explain how context in smart learning systems can be used to enhance the co-creation potential in learning processes. Overall, we provide a better understanding of context considerations in service systems as a theoretical contribution of our conceptual investigation. Finally, we provide practical implications for educational service providers for designing smart learning services under the specific consideration of different contexts.

							 Keywords= "Context; Smart product; Value Co-Creation; Service system
Tim Weinert, Andreas Janson, Jan Marco Leimeister: Does Context Matter for Value Co-Creation in Smart Learning Services?. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Smart learning services offer customized learning solutions by systematically considering the context of the learner. However, it is still unclear how the value co-creation within smart learnings is affected by context considerations. Therefore, it is important to understand how the context can influence the value co-creation potential in smart learning services. To investigate how context shapes value co-creation smart learning services, we first conduct a systematic literature review to investigate context factors within learning processes. Afterwards, we develop a conceptual model to explain how context in smart learning systems can be used to enhance the co-creation potential in learning processes. Overall, we provide a better understanding of context considerations in service systems as a theoretical contribution of our conceptual investigation. Finally, we provide practical implications for educational service providers for designing smart learning services under the specific consideration of different contexts.



Context; Smart product; Value Co-Creation; Service system



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