Adapting User-Based Vehicle Relocation for ECarsharing


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Adapting User-Based Vehicle Relocation for ECarsharing", 
							Author= "Christoph Prinz, Sascha Lichtenberg, Bernd Herrenkind, Alfred Benedikt Brendel and Lutz Kolbe", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The mobility sector has been established as a prominent example for the sharing economy. E-carsharing offers a way to introduce and utilize electric vehicles as a sustainable mobility service to solve current and future mobility issues. Nonetheless, e-carsharing still faces several challenges that need to be overcome in order to act as a mainstream means of commute. In this article, we propose user-based relocation to improve the use and availability of electric vehicles within e-carsharing. It enables value co-creation by actively involving the user in value creation, e.g. increasing the positiondependent value of a shared vehicle. By simulating an e-carsharing system, we were able to analyze the capabilities of user-based relocation. The results indicate that user-based relocation has the potential to greatly improve electric vehicle use and demonstrates an example of successful value co-creation in the sharing economy. Furthermore, it strengthens e-carsharing as a part of everyday mobility.

							 Keywords= "Carsharing, mobility sharing, vehicle relocation, user-based, information system
Christoph Prinz, Sascha Lichtenberg, Bernd Herrenkind, Alfred Benedikt Brendel and Lutz Kolbe: Adapting User-Based Vehicle Relocation for ECarsharing. Online: (Abgerufen 06.03.25)



The mobility sector has been established as a prominent example for the sharing economy. E-carsharing offers a way to introduce and utilize electric vehicles as a sustainable mobility service to solve current and future mobility issues. Nonetheless, e-carsharing still faces several challenges that need to be overcome in order to act as a mainstream means of commute. In this article, we propose user-based relocation to improve the use and availability of electric vehicles within e-carsharing. It enables value co-creation by actively involving the user in value creation, e.g. increasing the positiondependent value of a shared vehicle. By simulating an e-carsharing system, we were able to analyze the capabilities of user-based relocation. The results indicate that user-based relocation has the potential to greatly improve electric vehicle use and demonstrates an example of successful value co-creation in the sharing economy. Furthermore, it strengthens e-carsharing as a part of everyday mobility.



Carsharing, mobility sharing, vehicle relocation, user-based, information system



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