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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-2",
Title= "Potentials of AR technology for the digitalization of consultancy intensive sales processes on the example of furniture sales",
Author= "Oliver Blunk, Gordon Brown, Niklas Osmers and Michael Prilla",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Selling highly configurable or complex products in online markets has been difficult as they often require intensive consultation time which currently takes place in a physical store. The consultation process has various facets that could possibly benefit from digital solutions. As a first step in our research process, we conducted an ethnographic observation in a furniture store to analyze current sales and consultation processes. Based on our findings, we derive several requirements which can guide the design of IT solutions to digitalize those processes. Additionally, we propose an augmented reality system offering various benefits to both consultants in stores as well as customers at home.",
Keywords= "digitalization, consultation, augmented reality, customer, consultant",
Oliver Blunk, Gordon Brown, Niklas Osmers and Michael Prilla: Potentials of AR technology for the digitalization of consultancy intensive sales processes on the example of furniture sales. Online: (Abgerufen 11.03.25)
Open Access
Selling highly configurable or complex products in online markets has been difficult as they often require intensive consultation time which currently takes place in a physical store. The consultation process has various facets that could possibly benefit from digital solutions. As a first step in our research process, we conducted an ethnographic observation in a furniture store to analyze current sales and consultation processes. Based on our findings, we derive several requirements which can guide the design of IT solutions to digitalize those processes. Additionally, we propose an augmented reality system offering various benefits to both consultants in stores as well as customers at home.
digitalization, consultation, augmented reality, customer, consultant
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