Farming in the Era of Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Farming


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-2",
							 Title= "Farming in the Era of Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Farming", 
							Author= "Gero Strobel", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The Internet of Things and associated smart products are finding application in evermore domains. Within agriculture it is described under the term smart farming. Using smart products allows farmers to automatically record relevant information, monitor operating procedures or remotely control machines. To make these capabilities usable for added value, not only smart products but entire information systems that align to the domain and its requirements are necessary. Within the literature, various architectures can be found already. However, many lack a methodical foundation or an abstraction of application cases and technology. Against this background, the article presents an information system architecture independent of application cases or technology and oriented toward the domain of smart farming. Starting point of the development is a systematic literature review, based on Webster and Watson [1] in combination with Vom Brocke [2, 3], based on 18 existing architecture approaches that are analyzed and aggregated.

							 Keywords= "Smart Farming, Internet of Things, Information System Architecture, Information Systems, Systematic Literature Review.
Gero Strobel: Farming in the Era of Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Farming. Online: (Abgerufen 11.03.25)



The Internet of Things and associated smart products are finding application in evermore domains. Within agriculture it is described under the term smart farming. Using smart products allows farmers to automatically record relevant information, monitor operating procedures or remotely control machines. To make these capabilities usable for added value, not only smart products but entire information systems that align to the domain and its requirements are necessary. Within the literature, various architectures can be found already. However, many lack a methodical foundation or an abstraction of application cases and technology. Against this background, the article presents an information system architecture independent of application cases or technology and oriented toward the domain of smart farming. Starting point of the development is a systematic literature review, based on Webster and Watson [1] in combination with Vom Brocke [2, 3], based on 18 existing architecture approaches that are analyzed and aggregated.



Smart Farming, Internet of Things, Information System Architecture, Information Systems, Systematic Literature Review.



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