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Cite-key = "schmolke2022",
Year= "2022",
Volume= "AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung",
Pages= "S. 132–147",
Journal = "Monographien",
Title= "Process Mining Model Quality in Software Development Case Studies: An Analysis",
Author= "Marianne Schmolke",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "With increasing digitalization speed, the need for knowledge about how Software Development can be improved, increases as well. Frequently encountered challenges are skill deficits, problematic behavior or activity sequences, and deviations from common and expected paths. Process Mining provides promising opportunities to remedy these issues. Process Mining applied to Software Development activities for example is an analytics method that can provide insights before a process has been executed as there is a huge amount of log files to be potentially analyzed. As promising case studies in this field have been conducted, there is a need to find quality measures to effectively learn from the results found. Therefore, a systematic analysis has been applied to the relevant sources using the relevant criteria of the Comprehensive Process Model Quality Framework (CPMQF).",
Keywords= "Process Analytics, CPMQF, Software Engineering, Model Quality Measures",
Marianne Schmolke(2022): Process Mining Model Quality in Software Development Case Studies: An Analysis. AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung(2022), S. S. 132–147. Online: (Abgerufen 07.02.25)
Open Access
With increasing digitalization speed, the need for knowledge about how Software Development can be improved, increases as well. Frequently encountered challenges are skill deficits, problematic behavior or activity sequences, and deviations from common and expected paths. Process Mining provides promising opportunities to remedy these issues. Process Mining applied to Software Development activities for example is an analytics method that can provide insights before a process has been executed as there is a huge amount of log files to be potentially analyzed. As promising case studies in this field have been conducted, there is a need to find quality measures to effectively learn from the results found. Therefore, a systematic analysis has been applied to the relevant sources using the relevant criteria of the Comprehensive Process Model Quality Framework (CPMQF).
Process Analytics, CPMQF, Software Engineering, Model Quality Measures