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@Inbook{Cabrera-Frias+Konhäusner ,
Cite-key = "cabrerafrias2022",
Year= "2022",
Volume= "AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung",
Pages= "S. 27–42",
Journal = "Monographien",
Title= "Content and Ad Formats in Performance Marketing Campaigns: Brand Usage Analysis of Advertising Options on Facebook",
Author= "Maria Margarita Cabrera Frias, Peter Konhäusner ",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "The digital marketing industry is on the rise, with Facebook being one of the main adver-
tising platforms for businesses to reach potential customers and drive results such as purchases, app
downloads and registrations. In order to run a successful campaign, the appropriate kind of content is
necessary to trigger the customer - still, the question for a suitable mix of content and ad format re-
mains. Although research on online marketing has increased, there is a gap in the research of content
use in performance marketing in relation to the business objectives being pursuit. This paper uses
an inductive empirical method based on grounded theory with data gathered from 10 of the largest
advertisers on Facebook ads in Germany, to analyze and categorize the different content and format
strategies used by companies to drive performance objectives. As a result, a framework regarding
content and ad format in Facebook ads for practical usage is derived.",
Keywords= "digital marketing, online marketing, performance marketing, paid social, social media advertising, Facebook ads, content, ad format",
Maria Margarita Cabrera Frias, Peter Konhäusner(2022): Content and Ad Formats in Performance Marketing Campaigns: Brand Usage Analysis of Advertising Options on Facebook. AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung(2022), S. S. 27–42. Online: (Abgerufen 13.01.25)
Open Access
The digital marketing industry is on the rise, with Facebook being one of the main adver- tising platforms for businesses to reach potential customers and drive results such as purchases, app downloads and registrations. In order to run a successful campaign, the appropriate kind of content is necessary to trigger the customer - still, the question for a suitable mix of content and ad format re- mains. Although research on online marketing has increased, there is a gap in the research of content use in performance marketing in relation to the business objectives being pursuit. This paper uses an inductive empirical method based on grounded theory with data gathered from 10 of the largest advertisers on Facebook ads in Germany, to analyze and categorize the different content and format strategies used by companies to drive performance objectives. As a result, a framework regarding content and ad format in Facebook ads for practical usage is derived.
digital marketing, online marketing, performance marketing, paid social, social media advertising, Facebook ads, content, ad format