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Cite-key = "Ullrich2023Det",
Year= "2023",
Number= "1",
Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 39",
Pages= "46-52",
Journal = "Industry 4.0 Science",
Title= "Determining Sustainable Application System Architectures",
Author= "André Ullrich and Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "The need to sometimes respond very quickly to changes requires companies to have a high degree of flexibility and speed of reaction. Application system architectures, which usually consist of old and self-developed systems, often do not allow companies to meet these requirements. However, investment funds for new software are limited, so priorities must be set when it comes to replacing legacy systems. An adaptability
analysis is an efficient analysis method for planning the renewal of the application system landscape. This article describes the procedure and results of an adaptability analysis, using the example of an internationally
active automotive supplier.",
Keywords= "adaptability, application system
architectures, evaluation, use case
evaluation, corporate adaptability criteria, criteria for adaptable companies, versatile
corporate structures, corporate
André Ullrich and Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam(2023): Determining Sustainable Application System Architectures. Industry 4.0 Science 391(2023), S. 46-52. Online: (Abgerufen 22.02.25)
Open Access
The need to sometimes respond very quickly to changes requires companies to have a high degree of flexibility and speed of reaction. Application system architectures, which usually consist of old and self-developed systems, often do not allow companies to meet these requirements. However, investment funds for new software are limited, so priorities must be set when it comes to replacing legacy systems. An adaptability analysis is an efficient analysis method for planning the renewal of the application system landscape. This article describes the procedure and results of an adaptability analysis, using the example of an internationally active automotive supplier.
adaptability, application system architectures, evaluation, use case evaluation, corporate adaptability criteria, criteria for adaptable companies, versatile corporate structures, corporate reorganization