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Year= "2021",
Volume= "Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.",
Pages= "303-322",
Journal = "WGAB",
Title= "Assistance systems in learning factories - A systematizing overview and case studies ",
Author= "Dr. rer. pol. Christof Thim
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam
Dr. rer. pol. Gergana Vladova
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam
Research Group Education and Continuing Education in the Digital Society Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Assistance systems are in use in different domains from their application in everyday life like driving cars and guiding the operation of information systems to industrial usage, e.g., in operating machinery, maintaining facilities, and monitoring production processes. The primary purpose of assistance systems is to extend the capabilities of human operators in different aspects to achieve an individual or organizational goal faster, with fewer errors, or more secure. In the context of learning, they provide new means to engage people in realistic learning scenarios. This paper discusses assistance systems that support learning in production processes. The goal of the paper is to structure the possibilities of assistance systems use regarding different learning goals. It presents a taxonomy of assistance system use and demonstrates this taxonomy in three cases.",
Dr. rer. pol. Christof Thim
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam
Dr. rer. pol. Gergana Vladova
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam
Research Group Education and Continuing Education in the Digital Society Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass
Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam(2021): Assistance systems in learning factories - A systematizing overview and case studies . Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.(2021), S. 303-322. Online: (Abgerufen 06.03.25)
Open Access
Assistance systems are in use in different domains from their application in everyday life like driving cars and guiding the operation of information systems to industrial usage, e.g., in operating machinery, maintaining facilities, and monitoring production processes. The primary purpose of assistance systems is to extend the capabilities of human operators in different aspects to achieve an individual or organizational goal faster, with fewer errors, or more secure. In the context of learning, they provide new means to engage people in realistic learning scenarios. This paper discusses assistance systems that support learning in production processes. The goal of the paper is to structure the possibilities of assistance systems use regarding different learning goals. It presents a taxonomy of assistance system use and demonstrates this taxonomy in three cases.