IT Project Member Turnover and Outsourcing Relationship Success: An Inverted-U Effect


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "IT Project Member Turnover and Outsourcing Relationship Success: An Inverted-U Effect", 
							Author= "Isabella Apfel, Christoph Pflügler, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The scarcity of skilled information technology (IT) professionals on today’s IT labor market translates into a challenge for organizations to obtain the right skillset. These organizations use outsourcing as one approach to ensure access to valuable human capital resources. The vendor-client relationship success thereby depends on the vendor’s capability to provide the appropriate IT competencies and applications. Analyzing 8,000 projects for more than 900 customers at a large German IT service provider, this study investigates the effect of turnover rates on the outsourcing relationship. The results suggest that turnover of IT project team members has an inverted U-shaped effect on the revenue the vendor achieves with the customer. Utilizing a human capital lens on turnover in IT outsourcing (ITO), this study highlights that moderate levels of turnover have a positive impact on the outsourcing relationship.

							 Keywords= "IT outsourcing, turnover consequences, vendor-client relationship, human capital resources
Isabella Apfel, Christoph Pflügler, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar: IT Project Member Turnover and Outsourcing Relationship Success: An Inverted-U Effect. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)



The scarcity of skilled information technology (IT) professionals on today’s IT labor market translates into a challenge for organizations to obtain the right skillset. These organizations use outsourcing as one approach to ensure access to valuable human capital resources. The vendor-client relationship success thereby depends on the vendor’s capability to provide the appropriate IT competencies and applications. Analyzing 8,000 projects for more than 900 customers at a large German IT service provider, this study investigates the effect of turnover rates on the outsourcing relationship. The results suggest that turnover of IT project team members has an inverted U-shaped effect on the revenue the vendor achieves with the customer. Utilizing a human capital lens on turnover in IT outsourcing (ITO), this study highlights that moderate levels of turnover have a positive impact on the outsourcing relationship.



IT outsourcing, turnover consequences, vendor-client relationship, human capital resources



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