Identification and Influence of Perceived Risks on Smart Speaker Use Behavior


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Identification and Influence of Perceived Risks on Smart Speaker Use Behavior", 
							Author= "Maximilian Haug, Philipp Rössler, Heiko Gewald", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Smart speakers gain more and more attraction from users. However, the technology is still relatively new and users feel uneasy about how and what functionality to use. This research investigates users’ perception about risks associated with the use of smart speakers. In a qualitative study in which users could engage with smart speakers for a 2-month time frame, we found that risks show to be partly hypothetical and users develop unlikely risk scenarios which prevent them from using the whole functionality spectrum of a smart speaker.

							 Keywords= "Smart Speaker, Perceived Risks, Privacy, Security.
Maximilian Haug, Philipp Rössler, Heiko Gewald: Identification and Influence of Perceived Risks on Smart Speaker Use Behavior. Online: (Abgerufen 07.03.25)



Smart speakers gain more and more attraction from users. However, the technology is still relatively new and users feel uneasy about how and what functionality to use. This research investigates users’ perception about risks associated with the use of smart speakers. In a qualitative study in which users could engage with smart speakers for a 2-month time frame, we found that risks show to be partly hypothetical and users develop unlikely risk scenarios which prevent them from using the whole functionality spectrum of a smart speaker.



Smart Speaker, Perceived Risks, Privacy, Security.



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