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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Adoption of Integrated Voice Assistants in Health Care – Requirements and Design Guidelines",
Author= "Mathias Eggert, Max-Alexander Stanke",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Integrated voice assistants (IVA) receive more and more attention and are widespread for entertainment use cases, such as radio hearing or web searches. At the same time, the health care segment suffers in process inefficiency and missing staff, whereas the usage of IVA has the potential to improve caring processes and patient satisfaction. By applying a design science approach and based on a qualitative study, we identify IVA requirements, barriers and design guidelines for the health care sector. The results reveal three important IVA functions: the ability to set appointments with care service staff, the documentation of health history and the communication with service staff. Integration, system stability and volume control are the most important nonfunctional requirements. Based on the interview results and project experiences, six design and implementation guidelines are derived.
Keywords= "integrated voice assistant, speech recognition, human computer interaction, health care",
Mathias Eggert, Max-Alexander Stanke: Adoption of Integrated Voice Assistants in Health Care – Requirements and Design Guidelines. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)
Open Access
Integrated voice assistants (IVA) receive more and more attention and are widespread for entertainment use cases, such as radio hearing or web searches. At the same time, the health care segment suffers in process inefficiency and missing staff, whereas the usage of IVA has the potential to improve caring processes and patient satisfaction. By applying a design science approach and based on a qualitative study, we identify IVA requirements, barriers and design guidelines for the health care sector. The results reveal three important IVA functions: the ability to set appointments with care service staff, the documentation of health history and the communication with service staff. Integration, system stability and volume control are the most important nonfunctional requirements. Based on the interview results and project experiences, six design and implementation guidelines are derived.
integrated voice assistant, speech recognition, human computer interaction, health care
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