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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Capabilities for Ambidextrous Innovation of Digital Service",
Author= "Verena Wolf",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Service innovations have been a subject in the literature since the 1980s. However, ever-shortening innovation cycles and the emergence of new digital technologies create the need to reconsider well-established concepts for designing digital service. In fast changing ecosystems, organizations are under pressure to simultaneously explore new opportunities and exploit their existing portfolio, which is described as ambidexterity. While service engineering methods provide useful guidance for designing digital services, innovators are often overstrained with applying them properly. Based on ambidexterity theory, we performed a delphi study to identify organizational and individual capabilities for ambidextrous innovation of digital service. We propose a framework that shows which capabilities enable organizations exploring new value propositions while simultaneously exploiting existing digital service.
Keywords= "Service Innovation, Digital Service, Ambidexterity, Capabilities
Verena Wolf: Capabilities for Ambidextrous Innovation of Digital Service. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)
Open Access
Service innovations have been a subject in the literature since the 1980s. However, ever-shortening innovation cycles and the emergence of new digital technologies create the need to reconsider well-established concepts for designing digital service. In fast changing ecosystems, organizations are under pressure to simultaneously explore new opportunities and exploit their existing portfolio, which is described as ambidexterity. While service engineering methods provide useful guidance for designing digital services, innovators are often overstrained with applying them properly. Based on ambidexterity theory, we performed a delphi study to identify organizational and individual capabilities for ambidextrous innovation of digital service. We propose a framework that shows which capabilities enable organizations exploring new value propositions while simultaneously exploiting existing digital service.
Service Innovation, Digital Service, Ambidexterity, Capabilities
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