The Future of Grocery Shopping? A Taxonomy-Based Approach to Classify E-Grocery Fulfillment Concepts


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "The Future of Grocery Shopping? A Taxonomy-Based Approach to Classify E-Grocery Fulfillment Concepts", 
							Author= "Christoph von Viebahn, Marvin Auf der Landwehr and Maik Trott", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "In order to cope with competition and sustain business performance within a digital environment, grocery providers need to identify and establish suitable fulfillment models. During the last two decades, a huge amount of fulfillment concepts has emerged, emphasizing different focus points. With this contribution, we aim to structure the field of e-grocery fulfillment and support retailers in choosing or refining profitable fulfillment models. Based on a systematic literature review and several fulfillment instances, we developed a taxonomy with 20 dimensions and 61 characteristics. Subsequently, a cluster analysis was employed to identify six concept archetypes, serving as useful basis for digital grocery business. Ultimately, our results provide a foundation for both academia and retail to advance the knowledge of e-service fulfillment models.

							 Keywords= "Digital Transformation, Taxonomy, Home Delivery, E-Grocery, Cluster Analysis", 
Christoph von Viebahn, Marvin Auf der Landwehr and Maik Trott: The Future of Grocery Shopping? A Taxonomy-Based Approach to Classify E-Grocery Fulfillment Concepts. Online: (Abgerufen 14.03.25)



In order to cope with competition and sustain business performance within a digital environment, grocery providers need to identify and establish suitable fulfillment models. During the last two decades, a huge amount of fulfillment concepts has emerged, emphasizing different focus points. With this contribution, we aim to structure the field of e-grocery fulfillment and support retailers in choosing or refining profitable fulfillment models. Based on a systematic literature review and several fulfillment instances, we developed a taxonomy with 20 dimensions and 61 characteristics. Subsequently, a cluster analysis was employed to identify six concept archetypes, serving as useful basis for digital grocery business. Ultimately, our results provide a foundation for both academia and retail to advance the knowledge of e-service fulfillment models.



Digital Transformation, Taxonomy, Home Delivery, E-Grocery, Cluster Analysis



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