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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Hybrid Teamwork: Consideration of Teamwork Concepts to Reach",
Author= "Mathis Poser, Eva A. C. Bittner",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Hybrid teamwork between humans and conversational agents (CA) is a promising approach to augment humans’ thinking and problem solving during task work. To realize a natural interaction, it is inevitable to consider research insights from human-centric disciplines for the design of CAs, as human team members have underlying assumptions regarding team work that need to be addressed to achieve valuable outcomes in hybrid teamwork settings. In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review to consolidate past research on considered teamwork-specific psychological concepts for the design of CAs. The in-depth analysis of 19 publications demonstrates that, both, studies with a conceptual focus and CA instantiations, are primarily concerned with taskrelated teamwork concepts, while mostly disregarding relationship-related concepts. The results are discussed and implications for future research are identified.
Keywords= "Hybrid teamwork, conversational agent, interaction design, team research, literature review.
Mathis Poser, Eva A. C. Bittner: Hybrid Teamwork: Consideration of Teamwork Concepts to Reach. Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)
Open Access
Hybrid teamwork between humans and conversational agents (CA) is a promising approach to augment humans’ thinking and problem solving during task work. To realize a natural interaction, it is inevitable to consider research insights from human-centric disciplines for the design of CAs, as human team members have underlying assumptions regarding team work that need to be addressed to achieve valuable outcomes in hybrid teamwork settings. In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review to consolidate past research on considered teamwork-specific psychological concepts for the design of CAs. The in-depth analysis of 19 publications demonstrates that, both, studies with a conceptual focus and CA instantiations, are primarily concerned with taskrelated teamwork concepts, while mostly disregarding relationship-related concepts. The results are discussed and implications for future research are identified.
Hybrid teamwork, conversational agent, interaction design, team research, literature review.
Naturalistic Interaction between Humans and Conversational Agents
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