Designing City Center Area Recommendation Systems


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Designing City Center Area Recommendation Systems", 
							Author= "Philipp zur Heiden, C. Ingo Berendes, and Daniel Beverungen", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "To decide in which part of town to open stores, high street retailers consult statistical data on customers and cities, but they cannot analyze their customers’ shopping behavior and geospatial features of a city due to missing data. While previous research has proposed recommendation systems and decision aids that address this type of decision problem – including factory location and assortment planning – there currently is no design knowledge available to prescribe the design of city center area recommendation systems (CCARS). We set out to design a software prototype considering local customers’ shopping interests and geospatial data on their shopping trips for retail site selection. With real data on 500 customers and 1,100 shopping trips, we demonstrate and evaluate our IT artifact. Our results illustrate how retailers and public town center managers can use CCARS for spatial location selection, growing retailers’ profits and a city center’s attractiveness for its citizens.", 
							 Keywords= "Town Center Management, High Street Retail, Recommender Systems, Geospatial Recommendations, Design Science Research
Philipp zur Heiden, C. Ingo Berendes, and Daniel Beverungen: Designing City Center Area Recommendation Systems. Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)



To decide in which part of town to open stores, high street retailers consult statistical data on customers and cities, but they cannot analyze their customers’ shopping behavior and geospatial features of a city due to missing data. While previous research has proposed recommendation systems and decision aids that address this type of decision problem – including factory location and assortment planning – there currently is no design knowledge available to prescribe the design of city center area recommendation systems (CCARS). We set out to design a software prototype considering local customers’ shopping interests and geospatial data on their shopping trips for retail site selection. With real data on 500 customers and 1,100 shopping trips, we demonstrate and evaluate our IT artifact. Our results illustrate how retailers and public town center managers can use CCARS for spatial location selection, growing retailers’ profits and a city center’s attractiveness for its citizens.



Town Center Management, High Street Retail, Recommender Systems, Geospatial Recommendations, Design Science Research



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