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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Implicit Learning in Video Games – Intergroup Contact and Multicultural Competencies",
Author= "Bastian Kordyaka, Samuli Laato, Katharina Jahn and Bjoern Niehaves",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Multiplayer online games (MOGs), which are played in real time over the internet, can be considered a widespread leisure time activity but also a learning opportunity for individuals. Studies have shown playing MOGs to have several potential benefits including motivation and learning among others. These can include multicultural competencies (MCs), as MOGs unite players from all around the world, and, players form their opinions of other cultures based on their own contact experiences instead of preconceptions or prejudice. We propose MOGs bring people from various cultures together and act as a medium for learning MCs implicitly. In order to formalize an understanding of the phenomenon, we consult the contact hypothesis. We will use a quantitative survey to derive a model capturing the interplay between intergroup contact and MCs.
Bastian Kordyaka, Samuli Laato, Katharina Jahn and Bjoern Niehaves: Implicit Learning in Video Games – Intergroup Contact and Multicultural Competencies. Online: (Abgerufen 04.02.25)
Open Access
Multiplayer online games (MOGs), which are played in real time over the internet, can be considered a widespread leisure time activity but also a learning opportunity for individuals. Studies have shown playing MOGs to have several potential benefits including motivation and learning among others. These can include multicultural competencies (MCs), as MOGs unite players from all around the world, and, players form their opinions of other cultures based on their own contact experiences instead of preconceptions or prejudice. We propose MOGs bring people from various cultures together and act as a medium for learning MCs implicitly. In order to formalize an understanding of the phenomenon, we consult the contact hypothesis. We will use a quantitative survey to derive a model capturing the interplay between intergroup contact and MCs.
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