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Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Gamified Helping? The Impact of Individualized and Group-Level Cooperative Evaluation on Knowledge Sharing",
Author= "Katharina Jahn, Bastian Kordyaka, Tobias Scholz, and Bjoern Niehaves",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Even though knowledge sharing is an important part of cooperation in organizations to ensure productivity and economic functioning, employees sometimes refrain from sharing knowledge with colleagues. Accompanied by the digital disruption of work, one fruitful way to improve organizational knowledge sharing between employees is the design of technology. However, which technological design elements improve knowledge sharing is still not well understood. This research-in-progress paper combines research on knowledge sharing with the common ingroup identity model to investigate the effect of individualized and group-level gamification design of cooperative evaluations on knowledge sharing behavior. We hypothesize that using grouplevel design facilitates intrinsic motivation for knowledge sharing by highlighting a superordinate identity. On the other hand, individualized design should enhance knowledge sharing by increasing extrinsic motivation. We plan to test these hypotheses using a 2 (individualized evaluation: badges vs. none) x 2 (group-level evaluation: badges vs. none) between-subjects experiment.
Keywords= "gamification, prosocial behavior, cooperation, experiment",
Katharina Jahn, Bastian Kordyaka, Tobias Scholz, and Bjoern Niehaves: Gamified Helping? The Impact of Individualized and Group-Level Cooperative Evaluation on Knowledge Sharing. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)
Open Access
Even though knowledge sharing is an important part of cooperation in organizations to ensure productivity and economic functioning, employees sometimes refrain from sharing knowledge with colleagues. Accompanied by the digital disruption of work, one fruitful way to improve organizational knowledge sharing between employees is the design of technology. However, which technological design elements improve knowledge sharing is still not well understood. This research-in-progress paper combines research on knowledge sharing with the common ingroup identity model to investigate the effect of individualized and group-level gamification design of cooperative evaluations on knowledge sharing behavior. We hypothesize that using grouplevel design facilitates intrinsic motivation for knowledge sharing by highlighting a superordinate identity. On the other hand, individualized design should enhance knowledge sharing by increasing extrinsic motivation. We plan to test these hypotheses using a 2 (individualized evaluation: badges vs. none) x 2 (group-level evaluation: badges vs. none) between-subjects experiment.
gamification, prosocial behavior, cooperation, experiment
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