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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Digital assistance in higher education – requirements for the development of a digital study assistant",
Author= "Paul Greiff, Carla Tenspolde, and Uwe Hoppe ",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Digitalization in higher education sets a trend of digital support in students’ and teachers’ daily working routine. New ways of accessing teaching materials, simplifying semester planning or structuring learning materials are opened up by technologies such as digital study assistants (DSA). The DSA represents a new and innovative technology in higher education and is still in development. For this reason, it is unclear which exact processes and tasks this application should take over. In software development, it is essential to define the requirements precisely to carry out the subsequent development steps and implementation correctly. These requirements must be derived from the needs of the stakeholders to ensure acceptance and willingness for sustainable use. Therefore, a student survey was conducted via semi-structured qualitative interviews, to identify important requirements for a DSA. Based on our research results, we provide indications for the development and further research of digital study assistance systems.
Keywords= "digital study assistant, higher education, digitalization, digital education",
Paul Greiff, Carla Tenspolde, and Uwe Hoppe: Digital assistance in higher education – requirements for the development of a digital study assistant. Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)
Open Access
Digitalization in higher education sets a trend of digital support in students’ and teachers’ daily working routine. New ways of accessing teaching materials, simplifying semester planning or structuring learning materials are opened up by technologies such as digital study assistants (DSA). The DSA represents a new and innovative technology in higher education and is still in development. For this reason, it is unclear which exact processes and tasks this application should take over. In software development, it is essential to define the requirements precisely to carry out the subsequent development steps and implementation correctly. These requirements must be derived from the needs of the stakeholders to ensure acceptance and willingness for sustainable use. Therefore, a student survey was conducted via semi-structured qualitative interviews, to identify important requirements for a DSA. Based on our research results, we provide indications for the development and further research of digital study assistance systems.
digital study assistant, higher education, digitalization, digital education
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