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Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Development of Absorptive Capacities through Design Thinking and Design Knowledge in SMEs",
Author= "Christoph Lattemann, Ricardo Guerrero, Beke Redlich, and Simon Fischer",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Research indicates that Design Thinking (DT) is a powerful agile innovation approach for large-scale enterprises to develop absorptive capacity (ACAP) through design knowledge. It is questionable, if this also holds true for SMEs because of their limited financial resources, time restrictions to perform DT, and lack of collaboration with external partners. This research shows how through the combination of either analogue DT, or complete virtual DT - (hybrid DT) -, SMEs are able to create and acquire design knowledge, and therefore, develop ACAP. To do so, we conducted a two-year experiment, where two SMEs continuously performed hybrid DT in their innovation projects. We interviewed participants of the DT workshops and asked about SMEs’ DT knowledge acquisition, adoption of routines, effect on SMEs’ ACAP, and their ability to acquire external knowledge. With this research we contribute to research in IS and organizational studies.
Keywords= "Design Thinking, Design Knowledge, Absorptive Capacity, Virtual Collaboration, Innovation Development",
Christoph Lattemann, Ricardo Guerrero, Beke Redlich, and Simon Fischer: Development of Absorptive Capacities through Design Thinking and Design Knowledge in SMEs. Online: (Abgerufen 14.03.25)
Open Access
Research indicates that Design Thinking (DT) is a powerful agile innovation approach for large-scale enterprises to develop absorptive capacity (ACAP) through design knowledge. It is questionable, if this also holds true for SMEs because of their limited financial resources, time restrictions to perform DT, and lack of collaboration with external partners. This research shows how through the combination of either analogue DT, or complete virtual DT - (hybrid DT) -, SMEs are able to create and acquire design knowledge, and therefore, develop ACAP. To do so, we conducted a two-year experiment, where two SMEs continuously performed hybrid DT in their innovation projects. We interviewed participants of the DT workshops and asked about SMEs’ DT knowledge acquisition, adoption of routines, effect on SMEs’ ACAP, and their ability to acquire external knowledge. With this research we contribute to research in IS and organizational studies.
Design Thinking, Design Knowledge, Absorptive Capacity, Virtual Collaboration, Innovation Development
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