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Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Knowledge Risks in Digital Supply Chains: A Literature Review",
Author= "Johannes Paul Zeiringer and Stefan Thalmann",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "The digital transformation changes the way how organizations exchange data in supply chains. Data traditionally shared, is enriched by detailed data sets captured by sensors in the production itself. In addition to the promised benefits, also new risks arise. Advanced data analytic approaches make it possible to extract knowledge from such data sets and thus increase the risk that competitive knowledge unintentionally spills over. From a knowledge management perspective, little attention is paid to such knowledge risks arising from data-centric collaborations. Hence, this paper has the goal to investigate knowledge risks in data-centric collaborations by conducting a structured literature review. Thereby, we focus on digital supply chains, as data-centric collaborations play a central role within them. Based on our review, we identify four characteristics of digital supply chains relevant for managing knowledge risks. Based on these characteristics, we present causes, risks and countermeasures from an organizational, technical and legal perspective.",
Keywords= "Knowledge Protection, Digital Supply Chain, Knowledge Risks, Data-centric Collaboration",
Johannes Paul Zeiringer and Stefan Thalmann: Knowledge Risks in Digital Supply Chains: A Literature Review. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)
Open Access
The digital transformation changes the way how organizations exchange data in supply chains. Data traditionally shared, is enriched by detailed data sets captured by sensors in the production itself. In addition to the promised benefits, also new risks arise. Advanced data analytic approaches make it possible to extract knowledge from such data sets and thus increase the risk that competitive knowledge unintentionally spills over. From a knowledge management perspective, little attention is paid to such knowledge risks arising from data-centric collaborations. Hence, this paper has the goal to investigate knowledge risks in data-centric collaborations by conducting a structured literature review. Thereby, we focus on digital supply chains, as data-centric collaborations play a central role within them. Based on our review, we identify four characteristics of digital supply chains relevant for managing knowledge risks. Based on these characteristics, we present causes, risks and countermeasures from an organizational, technical and legal perspective.
Knowledge Protection, Digital Supply Chain, Knowledge Risks, Data-centric Collaboration
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