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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-2",
Title= "Closing the Gap between Smart Manufacturing Applications and Data Management",
Author= "Emanuel Marx, Matthias Stierle, Sven Weinzierl, Martin Matzner Friedrich-Alexander",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Smart manufacturing refers to the intensified collaboration of machines, products, and people throughout the manufacturing and the supply chain. This facilitates innovative products, services, business models, and processes. Smart manufacturing is premised on emerging technologies such as cloud computing, mobile computing, the Internet of Things, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. A plethora of companies struggles with the implementation of corresponding applications. In research and practice, we see general data management approaches with primary attention on building architectures that are not tailored to fit a particular domain/ application scenario. However, a robust data management concept is vital, as smart manufacturing decisively depends on data. To address this substantial deficit, we conduct a comprehensive literature review, an expert workshop, and semistructured expert interviews with one of the leading German automotive manufacturers. The result is a catalog of requirements and a framework for data management that fosters the implementation of smart manufacturing applications.
Keywords= "smart manufacturing, smart factory, data management, data analytics, expert interview
Emanuel Marx, Matthias Stierle, Sven Weinzierl, Martin Matzner Friedrich-Alexander: Closing the Gap between Smart Manufacturing Applications and Data Management. Online: (Abgerufen 29.01.25)
Open Access
Smart manufacturing refers to the intensified collaboration of machines, products, and people throughout the manufacturing and the supply chain. This facilitates innovative products, services, business models, and processes. Smart manufacturing is premised on emerging technologies such as cloud computing, mobile computing, the Internet of Things, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. A plethora of companies struggles with the implementation of corresponding applications. In research and practice, we see general data management approaches with primary attention on building architectures that are not tailored to fit a particular domain/ application scenario. However, a robust data management concept is vital, as smart manufacturing decisively depends on data. To address this substantial deficit, we conduct a comprehensive literature review, an expert workshop, and semistructured expert interviews with one of the leading German automotive manufacturers. The result is a catalog of requirements and a framework for data management that fosters the implementation of smart manufacturing applications.
smart manufacturing, smart factory, data management, data analytics, expert interview
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