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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics Workshop Ethik und Moral in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (EMoWI 2020)",
Author= "Jens Gulden, Alexander Bock, Sergio España",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "With its second edition, the workshop on Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics (EMoWI) 2020 continues its project of providing a forum for research and debate on a severely underrepresented area of study in the field of Business Information Systems (BIS). The workshop series addresses itself to ethical issues arising from the development and use of BIS, as well as to ethical questions and conflicts residing in BIS research itself. The contributions of this year’s workshop underline both the significance and the variety of research topics within this domain. A common methodological theme of these contributions is the use of traditional BIS approaches, such as conceptual domain analysis and method engineering techniques, to promote ethical reflections concerning both the subjects and the conduct of BIS research. This editorial provides an overview of the background and the contributions of the EMoWI workshop 2020.
Keywords= "Ethics, Values, Morals, Moral Philosophy, Business Informatics, Business Information Systems.
Jens Gulden, Alexander Bock, Sergio España: Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics Workshop Ethik und Moral in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (EMoWI 2020). Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)
Open Access
With its second edition, the workshop on Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics (EMoWI) 2020 continues its project of providing a forum for research and debate on a severely underrepresented area of study in the field of Business Information Systems (BIS). The workshop series addresses itself to ethical issues arising from the development and use of BIS, as well as to ethical questions and conflicts residing in BIS research itself. The contributions of this year’s workshop underline both the significance and the variety of research topics within this domain. A common methodological theme of these contributions is the use of traditional BIS approaches, such as conceptual domain analysis and method engineering techniques, to promote ethical reflections concerning both the subjects and the conduct of BIS research. This editorial provides an overview of the background and the contributions of the EMoWI workshop 2020.
Ethics, Values, Morals, Moral Philosophy, Business Informatics, Business Information Systems.
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