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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-2",
Title= "The Role of Learning Process Consultants in Digitization Projects",
Author= "Juliana Schlicht",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Neither the digitization of existing business processes nor the development of new digital business models can take place without human interventions. They must be accompanied by effective learning, which needs to be supported systematically. This article introduces the concept of learning process consulting, which is developed on the basis of psychological and educational theories and tested in an energy company. Learning process consulting is the “didactic joint” in digitization projects. In terms of personnel, it is realized by learning process consultants for whom a role with concrete tasks is described here. These consultants ensure sequences of reflective communication and cooperation. Furthermore, they enable and monitor the participation of employees and managers (non-computer scientists) – with the aim of generating transparency, acceptance and trained system users. The concept provides starting points for further informatics research and applications, e.g. regarding the design of technical aids for data-based learning process consulting.
Keywords= "Reflective communication and cooperation, human learning, participative system development, process consulting.",
Juliana Schlicht: The Role of Learning Process Consultants in Digitization Projects. Online: (Abgerufen 12.03.25)
Open Access
Neither the digitization of existing business processes nor the development of new digital business models can take place without human interventions. They must be accompanied by effective learning, which needs to be supported systematically. This article introduces the concept of learning process consulting, which is developed on the basis of psychological and educational theories and tested in an energy company. Learning process consulting is the “didactic joint” in digitization projects. In terms of personnel, it is realized by learning process consultants for whom a role with concrete tasks is described here. These consultants ensure sequences of reflective communication and cooperation. Furthermore, they enable and monitor the participation of employees and managers (non-computer scientists) – with the aim of generating transparency, acceptance and trained system users. The concept provides starting points for further informatics research and applications, e.g. regarding the design of technical aids for data-based learning process consulting.
Reflective communication and cooperation, human learning, participative system development, process consulting.
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