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Cite-key = "Gronau2023Fir",
Year= "2023",
Number= "1",
Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 39",
Pages= "59-63",
Journal = "Industry 4.0 Science",
Title= "Fire Department Action Patterns for IT Support?",
Author= "Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam, Eva-Maria Kern, University of the Bundeswehr Munich",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Emergency organizations such as fire departments or technical relief
organizations are expected to react very quickly – sometimes to unknown situations – and provide the appropriate assistance. Can principles used in these organizations be transferred to IT support, e.g. for ERP systems?
An experiment in an IT service unit investigates this question – with
surprising results.",
Keywords= "IT support, ERP system, emergency action
patterns, IT training",
Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam, Eva-Maria Kern, University of the Bundeswehr Munich(2023): Fire Department Action Patterns for IT Support?. Industry 4.0 Science 391(2023), S. 59-63. Online: (Abgerufen 22.02.25)
Open Access
Emergency organizations such as fire departments or technical relief organizations are expected to react very quickly – sometimes to unknown situations – and provide the appropriate assistance. Can principles used in these organizations be transferred to IT support, e.g. for ERP systems? An experiment in an IT service unit investigates this question – with surprising results.
IT support, ERP system, emergency action patterns, IT training
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