Decentralized Maintenance Event Documentation with Hyperledger Fabric


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Decentralized Maintenance Event Documentation with Hyperledger Fabric", 
							Author= "Clemens Wickboldt, Christoph Meise, and Natalia Kliewer", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Due to the transparency and redundancy of blockchain, previously required intermediaries become obsolete, which enables the technology to align and digitize business processes in sectors with strong competition and low trust. On the example of the aviation industry, this contribution considers the application of blockchain in supply chains. Complete life cycle documentation is mandatory for safety-related aircraft parts. This work presents and evaluates an IT artefact storing the information of maintenance event certificates in a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Our research responds to the calls for practical applications in the blockchain research field. An existing proof of concept is advanced towards a more naturalistic environment by further decentralizing the system. The results suggest a growth in performance in regard to transaction throughput, latency and memory usage by distributing the system on different physical machines. Projectable patterns are identified that can be applied to a broad solution space in similar industry sectors.
							 Keywords= "Maintenance Event Documentation, Hyperledger Fabric, Blockchain, Aviation Industry, Supply Chain
Clemens Wickboldt, Christoph Meise, and Natalia Kliewer: Decentralized Maintenance Event Documentation with Hyperledger Fabric. Online: (Abgerufen 06.03.25)



Due to the transparency and redundancy of blockchain, previously required intermediaries become obsolete, which enables the technology to align and digitize business processes in sectors with strong competition and low trust. On the example of the aviation industry, this contribution considers the application of blockchain in supply chains. Complete life cycle documentation is mandatory for safety-related aircraft parts. This work presents and evaluates an IT artefact storing the information of maintenance event certificates in a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Our research responds to the calls for practical applications in the blockchain research field. An existing proof of concept is advanced towards a more naturalistic environment by further decentralizing the system. The results suggest a growth in performance in regard to transaction throughput, latency and memory usage by distributing the system on different physical machines. Projectable patterns are identified that can be applied to a broad solution space in similar industry sectors.



Maintenance Event Documentation, Hyperledger Fabric, Blockchain, Aviation Industry, Supply Chain



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