Industry 4.0 Science 39, 2023, 41-45
Digital Transformation for SMEs – Developing a Roadmap for Industry 4.0 Visions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


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							Cite-key = "Sutherland2023Dec", 
							Year= "2023", 
							Number= "1", 
							 Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 39", 
							Pages= "41-45", 
							Journal   = "Industry 4.0 Science",
							 Title= "Digital Transformation for SMEs – Developing a Roadmap for Industry 4.0 Visions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", 
							Author= "Robin Sutherland, Nicolas Wittine, Deike Gliem and Sigrid Wenzel, University of Kassel", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Small and medium-sized enterprises still face the challenge of shaping their digital transformation. Maturity models offer a way to capture the
situation within a company and support the creation of an Industry 4.0 vision. This paper presents a methodology for SMEs to develop a roadmap for shaping digital transformation by enabling the transfer of this vision into specific decision-making steps.", 
							 Keywords= "Industry 4.0, SME, maturity model,
roadmap, workshop, methodology testing, 4IR, digitalization", 
Robin Sutherland, Nicolas Wittine, Deike Gliem and Sigrid Wenzel, University of Kassel(2023): Digital Transformation for SMEs – Developing a Roadmap for Industry 4.0 Visions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Industry 4.0 Science 391(2023), S. 41-45. Online: (Abgerufen 07.03.25)



Small and medium-sized enterprises still face the challenge of shaping their digital transformation. Maturity models offer a way to capture the situation within a company and support the creation of an Industry 4.0 vision. This paper presents a methodology for SMEs to develop a roadmap for shaping digital transformation by enabling the transfer of this vision into specific decision-making steps.



Industry 4.0, SME, maturity model, roadmap, workshop, methodology testing, 4IR, digitalization



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