Design Patterns based on Deep Learning analyzing Distributed Data


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Design Patterns based on Deep Learning analyzing Distributed Data", 
							Author= "Daniel Burkhardt, Nana Agyei-Kena, Patrick Frey, Sven Kurrle, Heiner Lasi", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Data silos in many system landscapes complicate the creation of comprehensive information. Distributed Ledger Technology enables trust between assets via a distributed, secure and immutable storage of transactions. Deep Learning realizes intelligence to make decisions, conduct them and analyze their results based on the gathered data. In order to counteract the limitations of current system landscapes, an integrative implication of both Distributed Ledger Technology and Deep Learning is needed. Many considerations arise during the design of information systems integrating the named technologies. Transparency over the training and deployment of various Deep Learning methods on a distributed data landscape needs to be achieved. Using both a literature review and a qualitative research approach, this paper describes the development of design patterns and their selection criteria with different dimensions taken into consideration. The evaluation phase comprises of semi-structured interviews with experts from different disciplines. The result of this paper guides stakeholders in the selection of a suitable technical solution.

							 Keywords= "Deep Learning, Distributed Data, Design Patterns, Distributed Ledger Technology", 
Daniel Burkhardt, Nana Agyei-Kena, Patrick Frey, Sven Kurrle, Heiner Lasi: Design Patterns based on Deep Learning analyzing Distributed Data. Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)



Data silos in many system landscapes complicate the creation of comprehensive information. Distributed Ledger Technology enables trust between assets via a distributed, secure and immutable storage of transactions. Deep Learning realizes intelligence to make decisions, conduct them and analyze their results based on the gathered data. In order to counteract the limitations of current system landscapes, an integrative implication of both Distributed Ledger Technology and Deep Learning is needed. Many considerations arise during the design of information systems integrating the named technologies. Transparency over the training and deployment of various Deep Learning methods on a distributed data landscape needs to be achieved. Using both a literature review and a qualitative research approach, this paper describes the development of design patterns and their selection criteria with different dimensions taken into consideration. The evaluation phase comprises of semi-structured interviews with experts from different disciplines. The result of this paper guides stakeholders in the selection of a suitable technical solution.



Deep Learning, Distributed Data, Design Patterns, Distributed Ledger Technology



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