Towards a Decision Support System for Big Data Projects


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Towards a Decision Support System for Big Data Projects", 
							Author= "Matthias Volk, Daniel Staegemann, Sascha Bosse, Abdulrahman Nahhas, Klaus Turowski", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Big data has proved to be one of the most promising trends in recent years. However, many challenges and barriers still exist, especially when it comes to the strategic planning and realization of those kinds of projects. Most of all, the selection and combination of the domain–related technologies represents a sophisticated endeavor that increases the complexity of creating a big data system. Hence, it is not surprising that the demand for experts in this area is steadily increasing. To overcome this problem and the related shortage of required knowledge, in the following paper the concept of a decision support system for the selection of appropriate big data technologies is introduced, in order to implement a given project. Through the use of the design science research methodology a preliminary artifact was developed that provides sophisticated recommendations as well as architectural models and blank systems to support the systems engineering procedure.

							 Keywords= "Big Data, Technologies, Decision Support, System, Design Science", 
Matthias Volk, Daniel Staegemann, Sascha Bosse, Abdulrahman Nahhas, Klaus Turowski: Towards a Decision Support System for Big Data Projects. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Big data has proved to be one of the most promising trends in recent years. However, many challenges and barriers still exist, especially when it comes to the strategic planning and realization of those kinds of projects. Most of all, the selection and combination of the domain–related technologies represents a sophisticated endeavor that increases the complexity of creating a big data system. Hence, it is not surprising that the demand for experts in this area is steadily increasing. To overcome this problem and the related shortage of required knowledge, in the following paper the concept of a decision support system for the selection of appropriate big data technologies is introduced, in order to implement a given project. Through the use of the design science research methodology a preliminary artifact was developed that provides sophisticated recommendations as well as architectural models and blank systems to support the systems engineering procedure.



Big Data, Technologies, Decision Support, System, Design Science



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