Social Media Governance: Analyzing Guidelines Based on the Matching of Intended and Actual Use


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Social Media Governance: Analyzing Guidelines Based on the Matching of Intended and Actual Use", 
							Author= "Björn Kruse, Bastian Kordyaka", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Guidelines are one of the most prevalent tools of social media (SM) governance, since they reflect the decision-makers intended form of organizational usage. However, social media are malleable technologies that do not lend themselves to immediate forms of usage determined by their features. This leads to a misbalance between once established (static) guidelines failing to govern (evolving) actual use of SM by organizations over time. In this paper, we focus on the intended form of usage by analyzing existing guidelines of 24 German organizations. Afterwards, we classify those guidelines according to their purpose and show that they do not sufficiently take into account the characteristics of malleable SM they are supposed to govern. Our goal is to help practitioners and researchers gaining a better understanding of adapting guidelines for regulating usage of malleable IT artifacts.

							 Keywords= "Social Media, Governance, Guidelines, Adoption, Usage.", 
Björn Kruse, Bastian Kordyaka: Social Media Governance: Analyzing Guidelines Based on the Matching of Intended and Actual Use. Online: (Abgerufen 14.03.25)



Guidelines are one of the most prevalent tools of social media (SM) governance, since they reflect the decision-makers intended form of organizational usage. However, social media are malleable technologies that do not lend themselves to immediate forms of usage determined by their features. This leads to a misbalance between once established (static) guidelines failing to govern (evolving) actual use of SM by organizations over time. In this paper, we focus on the intended form of usage by analyzing existing guidelines of 24 German organizations. Afterwards, we classify those guidelines according to their purpose and show that they do not sufficiently take into account the characteristics of malleable SM they are supposed to govern. Our goal is to help practitioners and researchers gaining a better understanding of adapting guidelines for regulating usage of malleable IT artifacts.



Social Media, Governance, Guidelines, Adoption, Usage.



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