Analysis of a Digital Business Processes Transformation: A Case Study on Digitizing Absence Management


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-2",
							 Title= "Analysis of a Digital Business Processes Transformation: A Case Study on Digitizing Absence Management", 
							Author= "Christian Huppertz, Matthias Gottlieb, and Hans Pongratz", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Companies transform their analog processes into new digital solutions to save costs and reduce administrative effort. However, processes in (German) higher education institutions (HEIs) are still predominant in an analog manner. We conduct an in-depth case study based on the absence management process of a HEI with a five-step approach: (1) state-of-the-art and formalizing the analog process, (2) analyzing the variables collecting data, (3) evaluating the analog process with seven criteria of [1], (4) deriving a digital process, and (5) comparing the analog and digital process. We derive an operationalized methodology transforming a process from analog to digital. Research can use the results for investigation of the multi-role business administration processes within or outside the environment of HEIs. Practitioners can use the defined operationalization to define the requirements for a transformation from analog to a digital process.", 
							 Keywords= "Process analysis of digitalization, business process reengineering, higher education institution
Christian Huppertz, Matthias Gottlieb, and Hans Pongratz: Analysis of a Digital Business Processes Transformation: A Case Study on Digitizing Absence Management. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Companies transform their analog processes into new digital solutions to save costs and reduce administrative effort. However, processes in (German) higher education institutions (HEIs) are still predominant in an analog manner. We conduct an in-depth case study based on the absence management process of a HEI with a five-step approach: (1) state-of-the-art and formalizing the analog process, (2) analyzing the variables collecting data, (3) evaluating the analog process with seven criteria of [1], (4) deriving a digital process, and (5) comparing the analog and digital process. We derive an operationalized methodology transforming a process from analog to digital. Research can use the results for investigation of the multi-role business administration processes within or outside the environment of HEIs. Practitioners can use the defined operationalization to define the requirements for a transformation from analog to a digital process.



Process analysis of digitalization, business process reengineering, higher education institution



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