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Cite-key = "Gronau2023WGAB",
Year= "2023",
Volume= "Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e. V.",
Pages= "153-166",
Journal = "WGAB",
Title= "Increasing Resilience in Factories: The Example of Disturbance Management – A Research Approach",
Author= "Norbert Gronau, Marcel Panzer, Jana Gonnermann-Müller;
University of Potsdam",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Disruptions in in-plant production systems, such as variant-rich series production, can lead to serious production downtimes. The longer the production stoppage lasts, the greater the damage to companies and supply chains. The capabilities to ensure emergency operation until full performance is restored after disruptions as well as the fast restart of production systems represent a crucial competitive factor for companies and also increase production agility. Therefore, it is of central importance to reduce the time between the occurrence of a disruption and the return to the initial level in order to minimize downtime costs.
In the context of this paper the state of research on disturbance management and assistance systems for disturbance management ist stated and a research approach for investigating the potentials of assistance systems will be presented.",
Keywords= "disturbance management, changeability, research gap, simulation",
Norbert Gronau, Marcel Panzer, Jana Gonnermann-Müller;
University of Potsdam(2023): Increasing Resilience in Factories: The Example of Disturbance Management – A Research Approach. Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e. V.(2023), S. 153-166. Online: (Abgerufen 21.02.25)
Open Access
Disruptions in in-plant production systems, such as variant-rich series production, can lead to serious production downtimes. The longer the production stoppage lasts, the greater the damage to companies and supply chains. The capabilities to ensure emergency operation until full performance is restored after disruptions as well as the fast restart of production systems represent a crucial competitive factor for companies and also increase production agility. Therefore, it is of central importance to reduce the time between the occurrence of a disruption and the return to the initial level in order to minimize downtime costs. In the context of this paper the state of research on disturbance management and assistance systems for disturbance management ist stated and a research approach for investigating the potentials of assistance systems will be presented.
disturbance management, changeability, research gap, simulation