Governance of Blockchain-Based Platforms


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Governance of Blockchain-Based Platforms", 
							Author= "Johannes Werner, Rüdiger Zarnekow", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Blockchain technology may disrupt industries by disintermediation. Hence, it challenges market-oriented platforms like Amazon or Facebook as intermediaries. In the case of blockchain-based platforms, if there may be no platform owner as an intermediary, the different sides of a platform will still need to be orchestrated by platform governance. Following this, blockchainbased platforms must also have mechanisms for orchestrating their platform sides. These mechanisms of blockchain-based platforms may differ from traditional platform governance. This research aims to enhance the understanding of governance mechanisms of blockchain-based platforms. For this purpose, a case study is conducted to analyze the governance mechanisms and their manifestations. Therefore, the initial governance mechanisms were taken from research on platforms. As a result, blockchain specific characteristics of governance mechanisms were identified.

							 Keywords= "platform governance, blockchain, distributed ledger technology", 
Johannes Werner, Rüdiger Zarnekow: Governance of Blockchain-Based Platforms. Online: (Abgerufen 14.03.25)



Blockchain technology may disrupt industries by disintermediation. Hence, it challenges market-oriented platforms like Amazon or Facebook as intermediaries. In the case of blockchain-based platforms, if there may be no platform owner as an intermediary, the different sides of a platform will still need to be orchestrated by platform governance. Following this, blockchainbased platforms must also have mechanisms for orchestrating their platform sides. These mechanisms of blockchain-based platforms may differ from traditional platform governance. This research aims to enhance the understanding of governance mechanisms of blockchain-based platforms. For this purpose, a case study is conducted to analyze the governance mechanisms and their manifestations. Therefore, the initial governance mechanisms were taken from research on platforms. As a result, blockchain specific characteristics of governance mechanisms were identified.



platform governance, blockchain, distributed ledger technology



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