Gamified Information Systems for Assisted Living Facilities – Relevant Design Guidelines, Affordances and Adoption Barriers


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Gamified Information Systems for Assisted Living Facilities – Relevant Design Guidelines, Affordances and Adoption Barriers", 
							Author= "Mathias Eggert, Thomas Rudolf Edelbauer", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Gamification and gamified information systems (GIS) apply video game elements to encourage the work on boring and everyday tasks. Meanwhile, several research works provide evidence that gamification increases efficiency and effectivity of such tasks. The paper at hand investigates the health care sector, which is challenged with cost pressure and suffers in process efficiency. We hypothesize that GIS may improve the efficiency and quality of care processes. By applying an interview-based content analysis, the paper at hand evaluates gamification elements in an assisted living environment and provides three research contributions. First, insights into relevant GIS affordances and application examples for assisted living facilities are given. Second, assisted living experts evaluate GIS design guidelines. Both the relevant affordances and design principles comprise a basis for the development of a GIS for social workers in assisted living facilities. Third, potential adoption barriers and design guidelines for GIS in assisted living are presented.

							 Keywords= "gamification, GIS, assisted living, nursery, health care.", 
Mathias Eggert, Thomas Rudolf Edelbauer: Gamified Information Systems for Assisted Living Facilities – Relevant Design Guidelines, Affordances and Adoption Barriers. Online: (Abgerufen 05.02.25)



Gamification and gamified information systems (GIS) apply video game elements to encourage the work on boring and everyday tasks. Meanwhile, several research works provide evidence that gamification increases efficiency and effectivity of such tasks. The paper at hand investigates the health care sector, which is challenged with cost pressure and suffers in process efficiency. We hypothesize that GIS may improve the efficiency and quality of care processes. By applying an interview-based content analysis, the paper at hand evaluates gamification elements in an assisted living environment and provides three research contributions. First, insights into relevant GIS affordances and application examples for assisted living facilities are given. Second, assisted living experts evaluate GIS design guidelines. Both the relevant affordances and design principles comprise a basis for the development of a GIS for social workers in assisted living facilities. Third, potential adoption barriers and design guidelines for GIS in assisted living are presented.



gamification, GIS, assisted living, nursery, health care.



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