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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Literature Review Linking Blockchain and Business Process Mangement",
Author= "Corey Lauster, Philipp Klinger, Nicolas Schwab, Freimut Bodendorf",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Blockchain Technology emerged recently in the area of Business Process Management and is still in its infancy. This paper analyses and evaluates the current scientific literature on the subject matter and synthesizes common topics, in order to create an understanding of the status quo. In a structured literature review, more than 300 publications were identified, of which 24 were finally selected as relevant to the cross-sectional topic of Blockchain and Business Process Management (BPM). A quantitative analysis affirms the recent upcoming of the relatively young research field and narrows the identified papers into three topic clusters, namely application areas and challenges, process architecture and design, and process execution related publications.
Keywords= "Literature Review, Blockchain, Business Process Management",
Corey Lauster, Philipp Klinger, Nicolas Schwab, Freimut Bodendorf: Literature Review Linking Blockchain and Business Process Mangement. Online: (Abgerufen 12.03.25)
Open Access
Blockchain Technology emerged recently in the area of Business Process Management and is still in its infancy. This paper analyses and evaluates the current scientific literature on the subject matter and synthesizes common topics, in order to create an understanding of the status quo. In a structured literature review, more than 300 publications were identified, of which 24 were finally selected as relevant to the cross-sectional topic of Blockchain and Business Process Management (BPM). A quantitative analysis affirms the recent upcoming of the relatively young research field and narrows the identified papers into three topic clusters, namely application areas and challenges, process architecture and design, and process execution related publications.
Literature Review, Blockchain, Business Process Management