Transparenz als Mittel der Verantwortlichkeit bei KI-gestützten Systemen


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-2",
							 Title= "Transparenz als Mittel der Verantwortlichkeit bei KI-gestützten Systemen", 
							Author= "Andreas Richter
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Today, large IT companies provide users with many different complex algorithmic systems, while the users need to trust the former to handle their data responsibly. The trust in the providers is threatened, if the exact usage is not immediately apparent. I examine the question of accountability with a focus on transparency. Transparency as a means of accountability is not always feasible, desirable or appropriate. In my talk, I will address four limitations regarding the parties involved, the purpose, the object, and the possibility of transparency, based on, though expanding, the results of Ananny and Crawford (2018). Finally, two thought experiments are presented, which exemplify dilemmas of security and privacy on the one hand, and functionality and conflicts of interest on the other.

							 Keywords= "Transparency, Accountability, AI Systems, IT Companies.
Andreas Richter: Transparenz als Mittel der Verantwortlichkeit bei KI-gestützten Systemen. Online: (Abgerufen 12.03.25)



Today, large IT companies provide users with many different complex algorithmic systems, while the users need to trust the former to handle their data responsibly. The trust in the providers is threatened, if the exact usage is not immediately apparent. I examine the question of accountability with a focus on transparency. Transparency as a means of accountability is not always feasible, desirable or appropriate. In my talk, I will address four limitations regarding the parties involved, the purpose, the object, and the possibility of transparency, based on, though expanding, the results of Ananny and Crawford (2018). Finally, two thought experiments are presented, which exemplify dilemmas of security and privacy on the one hand, and functionality and conflicts of interest on the other.



Transparency, Accountability, AI Systems, IT Companies.



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