Industry 4.0 Science 40, 2024, 8-15
Digital Platform Frameworks for Manufacturing Companies - A Review


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							Cite-key = "Rojahn2024Dig", 
							Year= "2024", 
							Number= "2", 
							 Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 40", 
							Pages= "8-15", 
							Journal   = "Industry 4.0 Science",
							 Title= "Digital Platform Frameworks for Manufacturing Companies - A Review", 
							Author= "Marcel Rojahn, University of Potsdam", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "In recent years, digital platforms have established themselves as a central concept in the IT field. Due to the wide variety of digital platforms available on the market, there is still a need for clear comparison with criteria to enable
interested parties to select, change, operate and further develop these platforms. The following paper aims to contribute to the facilitation of this comparison by undertaking a systematic literature review of digital platform frameworks in the context of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) for manufacturing companies and thus providing a basis for a number of potential ways to effectively compare current digital platforms and ecosystems.", 
							 Keywords= "Digital Platforms, Industrial Internet of Things, Systematic Literature Review", 
Marcel Rojahn, University of Potsdam(2024): Digital Platform Frameworks for Manufacturing Companies - A Review. Industry 4.0 Science 402(2024), S. 8-15. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



In recent years, digital platforms have established themselves as a central concept in the IT field. Due to the wide variety of digital platforms available on the market, there is still a need for clear comparison with criteria to enable interested parties to select, change, operate and further develop these platforms. The following paper aims to contribute to the facilitation of this comparison by undertaking a systematic literature review of digital platform frameworks in the context of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) for manufacturing companies and thus providing a basis for a number of potential ways to effectively compare current digital platforms and ecosystems.



Digital Platforms, Industrial Internet of Things, Systematic Literature Review



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