Industry 4.0 Science 40, 2024, 32-39
Lean Empowerment in the Digital Ecosystem – Translating cultural values into technical requirements


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							Cite-key = "Karch2024Lea", 
							Year= "2024", 
							Number= "2", 
							 Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 40", 
							Pages= "32-39", 
							Journal   = "Industry 4.0 Science",
							 Title= "Lean Empowerment in the Digital Ecosystem – Translating cultural values into technical requirements", 
							Author= "Sabrina Karch, let's dev GmbH & Co. KG, Frank Bertagnolli, Pforzheim University of
Applied Sciences, Arndt Lüder, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "With the advent of digitalization, prevailing paradigms – such as product centricity, face-to-face collaboration and hierarchical structures – are giving way to the vision of data-driven business models, digital, collaborative
ecosystems and an agile, holacratic way of working in flat hierarchies and self-managing teams. Collaboration is made possible through the use of
software solutions. In addition to adapted management concepts, the digital space also requires a digital cultural understanding on part of the companies involved. Lean empowerment is a pioneering approach to collaboration based
on cultural values. In expert workshops, ideas were developed to explore how these values can be lived in a digital culture and thus in terms of global digital
collaboration. This article presents concrete solutions from which requirements for digital collaboration and for implementation within IT structures and software solutions in particular can be derived.", 
							 Keywords= "Digital collaboration, digital values,
lean empowerment", 
Sabrina Karch, let's dev GmbH & Co. KG, Frank Bertagnolli, Pforzheim University of
Applied Sciences, Arndt Lüder, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg(2024): Lean Empowerment in the Digital Ecosystem – Translating cultural values into technical requirements. Industry 4.0 Science 402(2024), S. 32-39. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



With the advent of digitalization, prevailing paradigms – such as product centricity, face-to-face collaboration and hierarchical structures – are giving way to the vision of data-driven business models, digital, collaborative ecosystems and an agile, holacratic way of working in flat hierarchies and self-managing teams. Collaboration is made possible through the use of software solutions. In addition to adapted management concepts, the digital space also requires a digital cultural understanding on part of the companies involved. Lean empowerment is a pioneering approach to collaboration based on cultural values. In expert workshops, ideas were developed to explore how these values can be lived in a digital culture and thus in terms of global digital collaboration. This article presents concrete solutions from which requirements for digital collaboration and for implementation within IT structures and software solutions in particular can be derived.



Digital collaboration, digital values, lean empowerment



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