Industry 4.0 Science 39, 2023, 53-58
Digitalization of Logistics Processes on Construction Sites - Concept for the Creation and Use of a Digital Shadow for Construction Site Logistics in Mechanical and Plant Engineering


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							Cite-key = "Wenzel2023Dig", 
							Year= "2023", 
							Number= "1", 
							 Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 39", 
							Pages= "53-58", 
							Journal   = "Industry 4.0 Science",
							 Title= "Digitalization of Logistics Processes on Construction Sites - Concept for the Creation and Use of a Digital Shadow for Construction Site Logistics in Mechanical and Plant Engineering", 
							Author= "Sigrid Wenzel, Daniel Vössing and Deike Gliem, University of Kassel, Christoph Laroque
and Wibke Kusturica, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The planning of logistics processes and their efficient implementation are decisive competitive factors for customized plant construction. On the
construction site, however, the collection of logistics data is often neglected, preventing the project planner from building a reliable database. Related information gaps can be closed with the help of a digital shadow that collects logistics-relevant data (partially) automatically, stores them in a
consistent manner and makes them available to project management. This article describes the first important results of a research project on
information and communication processes in construction site logistics and explains their vital role in the development and use of a digital shadow.", 
							 Keywords= "digital shadow, mechanical engineering, plant engineering, project management, logistics processes, construction site
logistics, process modeling, BPMN, semantic information modeling", 
Sigrid Wenzel, Daniel Vössing and Deike Gliem, University of Kassel, Christoph Laroque
and Wibke Kusturica, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau(2023): Digitalization of Logistics Processes on Construction Sites - Concept for the Creation and Use of a Digital Shadow for Construction Site Logistics in Mechanical and Plant Engineering. Industry 4.0 Science 391(2023), S. 53-58. Online: (Abgerufen 17.01.25)



The planning of logistics processes and their efficient implementation are decisive competitive factors for customized plant construction. On the construction site, however, the collection of logistics data is often neglected, preventing the project planner from building a reliable database. Related information gaps can be closed with the help of a digital shadow that collects logistics-relevant data (partially) automatically, stores them in a consistent manner and makes them available to project management. This article describes the first important results of a research project on information and communication processes in construction site logistics and explains their vital role in the development and use of a digital shadow.



digital shadow, mechanical engineering, plant engineering, project management, logistics processes, construction site logistics, process modeling, BPMN, semantic information modeling



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