Industry 4.0 Science 39, 2023, 34-40
Decentralized Tact Time Control in Assembly Simplifying Robust Control of Assembly Lines via the I4.0 Box


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							Cite-key = "Lass2023Dec", 
							Year= "2023", 
							Number= "1", 
							 Volume= "Industry 4.0 Science 39", 
							Pages= "34-40", 
							Journal   = "Industry 4.0 Science",
							 Title= "Decentralized Tact Time Control in Assembly Simplifying Robust Control of Assembly Lines via the I4.0 Box", 
							Author= "Sander Lass and Tim Körppen, University of Potsdam", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "In theory, decentralized control approaches in the manufacturing context offer several advantages over monolithic centralized systems where all functions are combined into one or into several authorities. However, practical implementation requires adaptation of the general concept of decentralization to fit individual and specific use cases, especially with regard to their sensible scope. One such use case is the assembly of highvariation
products. This article shows the appropriate combination of
centralized and decentralized approaches can be leveraged to achieve better planning and increased throughput in manufacturing. With flexible
cycle control for work stations and suitable assistance at the assembly workstation, the previous shop-floor oriented organization style can be
transformed into a series-like manufacturing process. This is done using a multi-layered infrastructure that follows the Industry 4.0 paradigm of
decentralized information processing through autonomous networked systems.", 
							 Keywords= "individualized serialization, decentralized line control, manufacturing restructuring,
AI-based production planning, Industry 4.0 box, edge gateway, CPS, WIS, worker information system, automobile manufacturing, lightweight vehicle
manufacturing, smart factory, factory redesign, decentralized factory control", 
Sander Lass and Tim Körppen, University of Potsdam(2023): Decentralized Tact Time Control in Assembly Simplifying Robust Control of Assembly Lines via the I4.0 Box. Industry 4.0 Science 391(2023), S. 34-40. Online: (Abgerufen 08.02.25)



In theory, decentralized control approaches in the manufacturing context offer several advantages over monolithic centralized systems where all functions are combined into one or into several authorities. However, practical implementation requires adaptation of the general concept of decentralization to fit individual and specific use cases, especially with regard to their sensible scope. One such use case is the assembly of highvariation products. This article shows the appropriate combination of centralized and decentralized approaches can be leveraged to achieve better planning and increased throughput in manufacturing. With flexible cycle control for work stations and suitable assistance at the assembly workstation, the previous shop-floor oriented organization style can be transformed into a series-like manufacturing process. This is done using a multi-layered infrastructure that follows the Industry 4.0 paradigm of decentralized information processing through autonomous networked systems.



individualized serialization, decentralized line control, manufacturing restructuring, AI-based production planning, Industry 4.0 box, edge gateway, CPS, WIS, worker information system, automobile manufacturing, lightweight vehicle manufacturing, smart factory, factory redesign, decentralized factory control



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