Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V., 2021,
Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future


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							Cite-key = "wgab2021", 
							Year= "2021", 
							 Volume= "Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.", 
							Journal   = "WGAB",
							 Title= "Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future ", 
							Author= "Wilfried Sihn, Sebastian Schlund (Ed.) ", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The continuous acquisition of new digital competences and the development of situational learning assistance systems will become more important than ever in the coming years, because the world of work is becoming more complex, more informative and all above more data-driven. Jobs are changing due to increasing digitalisation, whereby the use of modern technologies must be designed in a way, that employees can continue to work productively in the company despite these changes and benefit purposefully from digital solutions. The research results presented under the main topic „Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future“ address this problem of state of the art technologies in the workplace and their effects on workers. The members of the Scientific Society for Work and Business Organisation (WGAB) present innovative concepts and research results for practitioners and scientists and thus provide valuable input for current challenges. ", 
Wilfried Sihn, Sebastian Schlund (Ed.)(2021): Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future . Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation (WGAB) e.V.(2021)Online: (Abgerufen 22.10.24)



The continuous acquisition of new digital competences and the development of situational learning assistance systems will become more important than ever in the coming years, because the world of work is becoming more complex, more informative and all above more data-driven. Jobs are changing due to increasing digitalisation, whereby the use of modern technologies must be designed in a way, that employees can continue to work productively in the company despite these changes and benefit purposefully from digital solutions. The research results presented under the main topic „Competence development and learning assistance systems for the data-driven future“ address this problem of state of the art technologies in the workplace and their effects on workers. The members of the Scientific Society for Work and Business Organisation (WGAB) present innovative concepts and research results for practitioners and scientists and thus provide valuable input for current challenges.






Successfully developing workplace-related skills using digital assistance systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. e. h. Wilhelm Bauer, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart

M.A. Maike Link, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart

M.A. Walter Ganz, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart



This is how we learn – A Best Practice Case of Qualification in SMEs for Work 4.0

M.Sc. Marc Schwarzkopf, Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management Chemnitz University of Technology

Dipl.-Hdl. Dipl.-Kffr. Susann Zeiner-Fink, Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management Chemnitz University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann, Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management Chemnitz University of Technology



Transdisciplinary competence development for role models in data-driven value creation – The Citizen Data Scientist in the Centre of Industrial Data Science Teams

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Deuse, Centre for Advanced Manufacturing, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University of Technology Sydney, Institute of Production Systems TU Dortmund University

René Wöstmann M.Sc., Institute of Production Systems TU Dortmund University, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer e.V. Department Production Systems

Lukas Schulte M.Sc., Institute of Production Systems TU Dortmund University, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer e.V. Department Production Systems

Thorben Panusch M.Sc., Institute of Production Systems TU Dortmund University, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer e.V. Department Production Systems

Josef Kimberger, Bitburger Brewery Group Bitburg



Virtual Reality Training Applications in Industry – Towards a User-friendly Application Design

Benjamin Knoke M.Sc., BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen

Moritz Quandt, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Freitag, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen

Department of Production Engineering University of Bremen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen, Department of Production Engineering University of Bremen



AI-supported assistance systems in enterprise learning processes – prospects and limitations

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Norbert Gronau, Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems University of Potsdam

Dr. rer. pol. Gergana Vladova, Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam, Research Group Education and Continuing Education in the Digital Society Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society



A Learning Assistance System for the Ergonomic Behavioural Prevention in Production

Justus Brosche M.Sc., Production Management and Technology, Hamburg University of Technology

Hannes Wackerle M.Sc. M.Sc., Institute for Biomechanics, BG Clinical Center Murnau gGmbH, Institute for Biomechanics Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg

Prof. Dr. hum. Boil. Peter Augat, Institute for Biomechanics, BG Clinical Center Murnau GmbH, Institute for Biomechanics Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hermann Lödding, Production Management and Technology Hamburg University of Technology



Change in competence requirements due to the pandemic-related change in work organisation –  A learning factory approach on machine learning in production companies

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schmauder, Chair of Labour Engineering TU Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Gritt Ott, Center for Production Engineering and Organization TU Dresden

Elena Montenegro Hörder M.Sc., Center for Production Engineering and Organization TU Dresden



How a learning factory approach can help to increase the un- derstanding of the application of machine learning on produc- tion planning and control tasks.

Alexander Rokoss M.Sc., Institute of Product and Process Innovation Leuphana University Lüneburg

Kathrin Kramer M.Sc., Institute of Product and Process Innovation Leuphana University Lüneburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Schmidt, Institute of Product and Process Innovation Leuphana University Lüneburg



Competence Development within Hybrid Value Creation – Need-based Competence Development for the Successful Implementation of Hybrid, Data-Driven Business Models

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sascha Stowasser, Institute of Applied Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics Düsseldorf, Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Nicole Ottersböck, Institute of Applied Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics Düsseldorf



Collaborative Approaches for Self-Organized Competence Development

Dr.-Ing. Heiko Matheis, Center for Management Research, German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf

Jennifer Lucke M.Sc., Institute for Diversity Studies in Engineering (IDS), University of Stuttgart

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Ing. Meike Tilebein, Institute for Diversity Studies in Engineering (IDS) University of Stuttgart, Center for Management Research, German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf



Towards a maturity model of human-centered AI – A reference for AI implementation at the workplace

Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens, Institute of Labor Science, Chair for Work, Human Resources and Leadership Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Valentin Langholf (M.Sc.), Institute of Labor Science, Chair for Work, Human Resources and Leadership Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Greta Ontrup (M.Sc.), Department of Work and Organizational Psychology Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Prof. Dr. Annette Kluge, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum



Developing competencies for collaborative work settings in a virtual simulation laboratory – Training approach and performance measurement

Annabelle Beyer M.Sc. Management, Institute of Work Science Ruhr-University Bochum

Murat Keskin, Institute of Work Science Ruhr-University Bochum, Workplace-integrated assistance systems conducive to learning designed for production

Dr.-Ing. Dirk Berndt, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF Magdeburg



Workplace-integrated assistance systems conducive to learning designed for production

Dr.-Ing. Tina Haase, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF Magdeburg

Wilhelm Termath, Department of Vocational Education and Human Resources Development Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Dick, Department of Vocational Education and Human Resources Development Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Schenk, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF Magdeburg



A Modular Federated Learning Architecture for Integration of AI-enhanced Assistance in Industrial Maintenance – A novel architecture for enhancing industrial maintenance management systems in the automotive and semiconductor industry.

Univ.-Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Linus Kohl, Research Group Smart and Knowledge Based Maintenance Institute of Management Science, TU Wien

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH Vienna

Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Fazel Ansari, Research Group Smart and Knowledge Based Maintenance Institute of Management Science, TU Wien, Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH Vienna

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Wirtsch.-Ing. Prof. eh. Dr. h.c. Wilfried Sihn, Institute of Management Science TU Wien, Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH Vienna



Neuro-adaptive tutoring systems – Neurophysiological-based recognition of affective-emotional and cognitive states of learners for intelligent neuro-adaptive tutoring systems

Katharina Lingelbach M.Sc., Applied Neurocognitive Systems, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Department of Psychology, Applied Neurocognitive Psychology Lab University of Oldenburg

Sabrina Gado M.Sc. Psychologie, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. e. h. Wilhelm Bauer, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart



Analysis of supply-chains in the circular economy by means of VSM

Jeff Mangers, Manufacturing Engineering University of Luxembourg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Plapper, Manufacturing Engineering University of Luxembourg



Human-Centered Development and Evaluation of an AR-Assistance System to Support Maintenance and Service Operations at LNG Ship Valves

Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Stern, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen

Rieke Leder, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen

Dr.-Ing. Michael Lütjen, BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics At the University of Bremen



Assistance systems in learning factories – A systematizing overview and case studies

Dr. rer. pol. Christof Thim, Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam

Dr. rer. pol. Gergana Vladova, Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam, Research Group Education and Continuing Education in the Digital Society Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass, Chair of Business Informatics Processes and Systems University of Potsdam

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