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@Select Types{,
Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Towards Tool-Supported Situational Roadmap Development for Business Process Improvement",
Author= "Florian Johannsen",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "In times of high market transparency and rapidly changing customer requirements, business process improvement (BPI) is becoming ever more important for companies to reach strategic objectives and stay competitive. However, existing BPI approaches such as Six Sigma or Total Quality Management are increasingly perceived as overly complex and overdimensioned by employees. Therefore, we propose “tool-supported situational roadmap development for BPI” as an instrument for arriving at enterpriseadapted and easy-to-use approaches that can be applied straight away. In this way, employees with limited knowledge in the BPI discipline are enabled to design BPI approaches to match their particular needs. This paper presents a first concept of our solution.
Keywords= "Business process improvement, modeling, metamodeling platform.",
Florian Johannsen: Towards Tool-Supported Situational Roadmap Development for Business Process Improvement. Online: (Abgerufen 13.03.25)
Open Access
In times of high market transparency and rapidly changing customer requirements, business process improvement (BPI) is becoming ever more important for companies to reach strategic objectives and stay competitive. However, existing BPI approaches such as Six Sigma or Total Quality Management are increasingly perceived as overly complex and overdimensioned by employees. Therefore, we propose “tool-supported situational roadmap development for BPI” as an instrument for arriving at enterpriseadapted and easy-to-use approaches that can be applied straight away. In this way, employees with limited knowledge in the BPI discipline are enabled to design BPI approaches to match their particular needs. This paper presents a first concept of our solution.
Business process improvement, modeling, metamodeling platform.
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