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Journal = "Band-1",
Title= "Trust in Smart Personal Assistants: A Systematic Literature Review and Development of a Research Agenda",
Author= "Naim Zierau, Christian Engel, Matthias Söllner, and Jan Marco Leimeister",
Doi= "",
Abstract= "Smart Personal Assistants (SPA) fundamentally influence the way individuals perform tasks, use services and interact with organizations. They thus bear an immense economic and societal potential. However, a lack of trust - rooted in perceptions of uncertainty and risk - when interacting with intelligent computer agents can inhibit their adoption. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review to investigate the state of knowledge on trust in SPAs. Based on a concept-centric analysis of 50 papers, we derive three distinct research perspectives that constitute this nascent field: user interface-driven, interaction-driven, and explanation-driven trust in SPAs. Building on the results of our analysis, we develop a research agenda to spark and guide future research surrounding trust in SPAs. Ultimately, this paper intends to contribute to the body of knowledge of trust in artificial intelligence-based systems, specifically SPAs. It does so by proposing a novel framework mapping out their relationship.
Keywords= "Trust, Smart Personal Assistant, Conversational Agent, Literature Review, Research Agenda
Naim Zierau, Christian Engel, Matthias Söllner, and Jan Marco Leimeister: Trust in Smart Personal Assistants: A Systematic Literature Review and Development of a Research Agenda. Online: (Abgerufen 12.03.25)
Open Access
Smart Personal Assistants (SPA) fundamentally influence the way individuals perform tasks, use services and interact with organizations. They thus bear an immense economic and societal potential. However, a lack of trust - rooted in perceptions of uncertainty and risk - when interacting with intelligent computer agents can inhibit their adoption. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review to investigate the state of knowledge on trust in SPAs. Based on a concept-centric analysis of 50 papers, we derive three distinct research perspectives that constitute this nascent field: user interface-driven, interaction-driven, and explanation-driven trust in SPAs. Building on the results of our analysis, we develop a research agenda to spark and guide future research surrounding trust in SPAs. Ultimately, this paper intends to contribute to the body of knowledge of trust in artificial intelligence-based systems, specifically SPAs. It does so by proposing a novel framework mapping out their relationship.
Trust, Smart Personal Assistant, Conversational Agent, Literature Review, Research Agenda
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