Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Production Scheduling in the Context of Cyber- Physical Systems


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Production Scheduling in the Context of Cyber- Physical Systems", 
							Author= "Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "The use of cyber-physical systems in production promises great potential for production scheduling since a larger information base is available for the scheduling of production orders. However, the mere acquisition of realtime data does not inherently lead to improvements. On the contrary, a targeted preparation of the data is required in order to prevent an information overload. Decision support systems that support decision makers in production scheduling can perform this task. However, the design of such systems in combination with cyber-physical systems has hardly been investigated so far. In this paper, we therefore design and implement a corresponding decision support system in a design science approach. For this, we identify meta-requirements based on a literature analysis and an interview study. Finally, we evaluate the created meta-artifact in a laboratory setting in order to obtain generalizable knowledge about building such a decision support system.", 
							 Keywords= "decision support system, production scheduling, cyber-physical systems, industry 4.0, design science research
Pascal Freier, Matthias Schumann: Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Production Scheduling in the Context of Cyber- Physical Systems. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



The use of cyber-physical systems in production promises great potential for production scheduling since a larger information base is available for the scheduling of production orders. However, the mere acquisition of realtime data does not inherently lead to improvements. On the contrary, a targeted preparation of the data is required in order to prevent an information overload. Decision support systems that support decision makers in production scheduling can perform this task. However, the design of such systems in combination with cyber-physical systems has hardly been investigated so far. In this paper, we therefore design and implement a corresponding decision support system in a design science approach. For this, we identify meta-requirements based on a literature analysis and an interview study. Finally, we evaluate the created meta-artifact in a laboratory setting in order to obtain generalizable knowledge about building such a decision support system.



decision support system, production scheduling, cyber-physical systems, industry 4.0, design science research



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