Challenges of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication. Interviews among Industry Experts


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Challenges of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication. Interviews among Industry Experts", 
							Author= "Maximilian Renner, Niels Münzenberger, Johanna von Hammerstein, Sebastian Lins and Ali Sunyaev", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "By 2025 every new car sold will be connected to the Internet, leading to a disruptive change of road transportation, but also resulting in diverse challenges regarding Vehicle-to-Everything Communication (V2X). Prior research has mostly focused on the technological challenges of V2X and neglects to consider environmental and organizational challenges resulting from a highly interconnected and interdependent market. We conducted 19 semistructured interviews with experts from multiple market players to achieve a more holistic overview of what challenges implementation and diffusion of V2X are facing. Our findings reveal that V2X is perceived as a critical information infrastructure coming with several challenges that must be tackled, such as security and privacy issues, lacking trust and acceptance, and entangled and unclear responsibilities. By synthesizing major challenges, we provide recommendations for future research avenues to overcome existing challenges and enable widespread diffusion of V2X to unleash its full potential.", 
							 Keywords= "Vehicle-to-Everything Communication, connected cars, multistakeholder perspective, TOE framework.", 
Maximilian Renner, Niels Münzenberger, Johanna von Hammerstein, Sebastian Lins and Ali Sunyaev: Challenges of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication. Interviews among Industry Experts. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



By 2025 every new car sold will be connected to the Internet, leading to a disruptive change of road transportation, but also resulting in diverse challenges regarding Vehicle-to-Everything Communication (V2X). Prior research has mostly focused on the technological challenges of V2X and neglects to consider environmental and organizational challenges resulting from a highly interconnected and interdependent market. We conducted 19 semistructured interviews with experts from multiple market players to achieve a more holistic overview of what challenges implementation and diffusion of V2X are facing. Our findings reveal that V2X is perceived as a critical information infrastructure coming with several challenges that must be tackled, such as security and privacy issues, lacking trust and acceptance, and entangled and unclear responsibilities. By synthesizing major challenges, we provide recommendations for future research avenues to overcome existing challenges and enable widespread diffusion of V2X to unleash its full potential.



Vehicle-to-Everything Communication, connected cars, multistakeholder perspective, TOE framework.



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