AI Recruitment: Explaining job seekers’ acceptance of automation in human resource management


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "AI Recruitment: Explaining job seekers’ acceptance of automation in human resource management", 
							Author= "Jessica Ochmann, Sven Laumer", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Organizations are increasingly adopting automation in human resource management (HRM). Subsumed under the term “AI recruitment” organizations try to restructure HRM and apply innovative technologies to achieve a higher level of efficiency. Considering the ongoing “war for talent”, it is also crucial to discuss candidates’ expectations regarding these automated recruiting methods. In this research, we develop a research model explaining the acceptance of AI-based recruiting methods by job seekers. Based on UTAUT2 as a theoretical lens and 23 semi-structured interviews we discuss factors that influence job seekers’ acceptance of automation in HRM. The proposed model addresses research gaps in acceptance research in general and the use of technologies in the recruiting process in particular. We also discuss implications for technology acceptance research and provide some suggestions for the examination of a more passive use of IT.

							 Keywords= "AI recruitment, e-HRM, automation in HRM, UTAUT2
Jessica Ochmann, Sven Laumer: AI Recruitment: Explaining job seekers’ acceptance of automation in human resource management. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Organizations are increasingly adopting automation in human resource management (HRM). Subsumed under the term “AI recruitment” organizations try to restructure HRM and apply innovative technologies to achieve a higher level of efficiency. Considering the ongoing “war for talent”, it is also crucial to discuss candidates’ expectations regarding these automated recruiting methods. In this research, we develop a research model explaining the acceptance of AI-based recruiting methods by job seekers. Based on UTAUT2 as a theoretical lens and 23 semi-structured interviews we discuss factors that influence job seekers’ acceptance of automation in HRM. The proposed model addresses research gaps in acceptance research in general and the use of technologies in the recruiting process in particular. We also discuss implications for technology acceptance research and provide some suggestions for the examination of a more passive use of IT.



AI recruitment, e-HRM, automation in HRM, UTAUT2



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