Towards a Catalog of Enterprise Architecture Smells


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-2",
							 Title= "Towards a Catalog of Enterprise Architecture Smells", 
							Author= "Johannes Salentin, Simon Hacks
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Code Smells are well known in the domain of Technical Debt (TD). They hint at common bad habits that impair the quality of the software system. By detecting those smells it is possible to suggest a better solution or, at least, make the developers aware of possible drawbacks. However, in terms of Enterprise Architecture (EA), which is a more holistic view of an enterprise including TD, there does not exist such a concept of EA Smells. Such EA Smells can be a component of EA Debt, working like a metric to rate the quality of data and estimate parts of the EA Debt in an EA Repository. The main goal of this work is to start the development of a catalog to facilitate future design and development of EAs. This catalog should be expanded and serve as food for thought to create a corresponding tool for the detection of smells.

							 Keywords= "EA Smells, EA Quality, EA Debt, Prototype, Catalog.", 
Johannes Salentin, Simon Hacks: Towards a Catalog of Enterprise Architecture Smells. Online: (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Code Smells are well known in the domain of Technical Debt (TD). They hint at common bad habits that impair the quality of the software system. By detecting those smells it is possible to suggest a better solution or, at least, make the developers aware of possible drawbacks. However, in terms of Enterprise Architecture (EA), which is a more holistic view of an enterprise including TD, there does not exist such a concept of EA Smells. Such EA Smells can be a component of EA Debt, working like a metric to rate the quality of data and estimate parts of the EA Debt in an EA Repository. The main goal of this work is to start the development of a catalog to facilitate future design and development of EAs. This catalog should be expanded and serve as food for thought to create a corresponding tool for the detection of smells.



EA Smells, EA Quality, EA Debt, Prototype, Catalog.



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