Risks and Opportunities of Industry 4.0 for Corporate Sustainability


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-2",
							 Title= "Risks and Opportunities of Industry 4.0 for Corporate Sustainability", 
							Author= "Grischa Beier", 
							Doi= "https://doi.org/10.30844/wi_2020_x4-beier", 
							 Abstract= "Industry 4.0: digital technologies are changing the way industrial production works. This digital informatization of industrial production opens up opportunities for business informatics to develop sociotechnical solutions that support companies in their transformation towards more sustainability. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation, contextualization and controversial discussion of approaches identified in the literature, where digital technologies might offer an opportunity to support corporate sustainability. As a result the paper presents approaches where Industry 4.0 technologies support corporate sustainability management on a general level, and more specifically improve resource efficiency or enable Big Data approaches in order support corporate environmental management.

							 Keywords= "Industry 4.0, Corporate Sustainability, CSR, resource efficiency, Big Data", 
Grischa Beier: Risks and Opportunities of Industry 4.0 for Corporate Sustainability. Online: https://doi.org/10.30844/wi_2020_x4-beier (Abgerufen 21.10.24)



Industry 4.0: digital technologies are changing the way industrial production works. This digital informatization of industrial production opens up opportunities for business informatics to develop sociotechnical solutions that support companies in their transformation towards more sustainability. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation, contextualization and controversial discussion of approaches identified in the literature, where digital technologies might offer an opportunity to support corporate sustainability. As a result the paper presents approaches where Industry 4.0 technologies support corporate sustainability management on a general level, and more specifically improve resource efficiency or enable Big Data approaches in order support corporate environmental management.



Industry 4.0, Corporate Sustainability, CSR, resource efficiency, Big Data



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